Q-1 = Define economic development. Explain factors/determinants responsible for economic development.
Q-2 = What are obstacles to economic development of Pakistan
Q-3 = What are reasons of agricultural backwardness in Pakistan
Q-4 = Suggest measures to resolve problems of agricultural marketing
Q-5 = Name sources of industrial and agricultural financial institutions and discuss their role in economic development of Pakistan
Q-6 = What are causes of persistent deficit in balance of payments.
Q-7 = What measures should be taken to correct adverse balance of payments
Q-8 = What are different means of transport and communications in Pakistan.
Q-9 =Discuss role of computer in economic development of Pakistan
OR Computer has become main source of communication in modern days. Describe its effective role as a means of communication in Pakistan.
Q-10 = Discuss salient features of population of Pakistan
Q-11 = How rapidly growing population affects economy of Pakistan
OR Is population control necessary for Pakistan. How far it is true with Pakistan.
Q-12 = How budget deficit can be removed
Q-13= Why capital formation is important for economic development
Q-14 = Which are main sources of capital formation in a developing country like Pakistan. What measures are to be taken to increase Capital Formation
Q-15=Discuss importance of foreign assistance in economic development of Pakistan
Q-16 = Industrial development is basis of economic development. Discuss with reference to Pakistan
Q-17 = Improper utilization of credit and financial resources had badly affected agricultural sector of Pakistan. Do you agree?
Q-18= Discuss importance of mechanization of agriculture. How far it is successful in Pakistan
Q-19 = Foreign aid is unavoidable for Pakistan. Comment
Q-20= About 70% of population of Pakistan depends on road transport. In the light of above statement, describe measures adopted by Govt. to promote road transport.
Q-21 = Why privatization became necessary for Pakistan.
Q-22= Explain role of small scale and cottage industries in an agrarian economy. What steps Government has taken to promote these industries.
Q-23=The qualitative improvement of growing population affect positively on economic development. How far it is true with Pakistan
Q-24 = What are main objectives of Fiscal policy of Pakistan. How budget deficit can be controlled.
Q-25= Besides poverty, developing countries share many characteristics. Elaborate this statement.
Q-26= Discuss importance of power resources in development of a country
Q-27 = Examine main power resources of Pakistan
Q-28 = Population growth is an asset and not liability for attainment of economic well being of people in Pakistan. Do you agree with this view? Explain why.
Q-29 = Discuss in brief arguments in favor and against imposition of tax on agricultural income in Pakistan
Q-30 = Examine socio-economic implications of industrial development on economy of Pakistan.
Q-31= What are costs and benefits of foreign economic assistance. Analyze it in the light of Pakistan’s economy
Q-32 = Describe main heads of revenue and expenditure of Government of Pakistan
Q-33= What is present position of Pakistan’s balance of payments
Q-34 = Agricultural marketing and Farm mechanization are the twin issues that hamper free flow of benefits of increased production to poor peasants in Pakistan Comment
Q-35 = Highlight problems of railways in Pakistan
Q-36=What do you understand by Poverty. What strategy government adopted to eliminate poverty in Pakistan?
Q-37= Is growing population always a hindrance to economic development? Discuss.
Q-38 =What are the problems faced by the industrial labor in Pakistan. Explain. Write down the steps taken by the government to solve these problems
Q-39= Why industrial sector of Pakistan is backward.
Q-40= Discuss problems of capital formation in Pakistan
Q-41 =Write Demerits of mechanization in Economic Development of Pakistan.
Q-42= Define budget and explain the main sources of revenue budget
Q-43= What measures have been taken by the government of Pakistan to promote exports. Elaborate
Q-44= Describe reasons of power shortage in Pakistan. What steps the Govt. of Pakistan has taken to develop these resources. Elaborate
Q-45 = What measures do you suggest for their improvement in agricultural sector. Explain
Q-46 = Distinguish between balance of payments and balance of trade.
Q-47=Discuss features of a good industrial policy in a country like Pakistan.
Q-49 =The 2nd Five- year plan is considered as the most successful one. Why?
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