Q-18= Discuss importance of mechanization of agriculture. How far it is successful in Pakistan
MECHANIZATION OF AGRICULTUREMechanized farming means the use of mechanical appliances and scientific techniques for boosting agricultural production. In it tractors, bulldozers, tube wells, trolleys and harvesters are included. Mechanization as a tool for modernization of agriculture has been well recognized. Mechanization generates greater cropping intensity thus improves productivity. It also results in considerable saving of fodder and feed through a reduction in bullock population. Thus, a transition from subsistence farming to commercial farming can only be achieved through transfer of the most efficient and cost effective technology to farming system. The efficient use of scarce agriculture resources and accelerated agriculture mechanization is, therefore, vital and very important. In consideration of the role of precision in farm operations, the use of machinery has been encouraged through provision of credit availability by commercial banks. Demand for tractors has outstripped local production. Time lag in delivery of tractors is reportedly 3-4 months. As such shortage of 10,000 – 15,000 tractors per annum has been noted in the country against the existing production capacity of manufacturing units. In order to meet tractor’s demand, new investors have been engaged in order to enhance local production for meeting rising demand of farmers.
1 Increase in output
2 Increase in standard of living
3 Facility in transportation
4 Multiple cropping
5 Increase in job opportunities
1. INCREASE IN OUTPUTAs compared with human being’s physical labor, machinery can produce much more. Barren and uncultivated lands can be turned into fertile lands. Those lands, which are just used for animals’ fodder requirement, can be used for cultivation of food crop, which will result in food sufficiency.
2. INCREASE IN STANDARD OF LIVINGIncrease in agricultural output will decrease cost of production thereby the income of farmer will increase. It will increase his efficiency and will improve his living standard, which is a healthy sign of progress and development of economy.
3. FACILITY IN TRANSPORTATIONOur farmer uses bullock and animal carts for transport, irrigation, sowing and threshing purposes. With the adoption of mechanization, threshers, tractors, tube wells etc will be used which are less time consuming and will facilitate a lot to the farmers. Thus dependence on animals will be reduced to a great extent.
4. MULTIPLE CROPPINGAdopting intensive methodology of cultivation with the help of machinery can easily do multiple cropping, raising two different types of crops simultaneously.
5. INCREASE IN JOB OPPORTUNITIESMechanization requires maintenance, repairs and workshop facilities. It will provide off-farm employments opportunities to the local people.
SUGGESTIONS TO INCREASE MECHANIZED FARMINGGovernment should adopt the following measures for mechanizing agriculture: -
1. Reduce prices of machines/equipments used in agricultural sector.
2. Provide electricity at a low rate for tube wells.
3. Set up workshops for repairs of machinery.
4. Establish technical training centers in rural areas.
5. Provide loan facilities to farmers at a low interest rate.
6. Cooperative farming should be started to control fragmentation of land
Discuss importance of mechanization of agriculture. How far it is successful in Pakistan
By -
November 08, 2017
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