Improper utilization of credit and financial resources had badly affected agricultural sector of Pakistan. Do you agree?

Notes For B.Com
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Q-17 = Improper utilization of credit and financial resources had badly affected agricultural sector of Pakistan. Do you agree? 

IMPROPER UTILIZATION OF CREDIT RESOURCESPlanning Commission of Pakistan has mentioned that village development program cannot be successfully implemented unless and until credit needs of farmers are fulfilled. Due to agricultural backwardness and low income of farmers, they need money not only for development purpose but also for their day today requirements. They need credit in order to increase efficiency and agricultural productivity. When the crop is destroyed by the attack of pests and insects, or by floods and droughts even then farmer needs credit. Our farmers are custom bound people , they will have to fulfill their customary traditions hence require credit. The credit money is used for construction of houses, for performing religious and customary ceremonies and on marriages of their children. Farmers are usually engaged in various court cases therefore they need money for litigation purpose. This entire situation results in the decrease in output per hectare. The credit provided to farmers is not properly used for development of agriculture rather it is misused which has badly affected agricultural sector of the economy.

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