Q-10 = Discuss salient features of population of Pakistan
SALIENT FEATURES OF POPULATION Salient features of population of Pakistan can be divided into two factors: -
1. Population
2. Growth rate of population
3. Density 4. Average age
5. Literacy rate
6. Sex distribution
7. Age distribution
1. Joint Family system
2. Class conflicts
3. Poor health 4. Customs and traditions
5. Lack of education and training
6. Contended nature
7. Dependence on agriculture
1. POPULATIONThe current population of Pakistan is 154 million. Pakistan is number seven country in the world population. Population is growing at the rate of 2.6 percent per annum.
2. DENSITYThe density rate has increased to 166 per square kilometer.
3. AVERAGE AGEThe average age has increased to 65 years during the current year 2006.
4. LITERACY RATE The literacy rate has increased to 41.5 percent during as per 1998 census.
5. SEX & AGE DISTRIBUTIONAccording to population estimates of 2004, male: female ratio was 77: 76 Population of young people has increased from 39 percent to 41 percent whereas population of children and of old age people has decreased from 54 percent to 53.5 percent and 7 percent to 5.5 percent respectively.
6 URBAN & RURAL DISTRIBUTIONIn rural areas population is 8.9 crore whereas in urban areas it is 4.3 crore.
7 LABOR FORCEIn the year 2006 total labor force was 47.67 million whereas 44.01 million were employed and 3.66 were unemployed.
1. JOINT FAMILY SYSTEM Joint family system reduces ability and potential to work as the earnings of a worker are spent on the maintenance of whole family and even those who do not work get their share from the income of a working member of family. The same situation happens in Pakistan. Number of dependents is large enough who do not take active part in productive activity.
2. CLASS CONFLICTSIf any society is divided into haves and have-nots then there are always rivalries and class conflicts between the rich and the poor. There are strikes and lockouts, which reduce production potential of the worker. Same situation is in Pakistan.
3. POOR HEALTHDue to poverty and low-income, proper food, medicines and recreation facilities are not available to the people therefore the general health conditions are bad and people are prone to various types of diseases.
4. CUSTOMS & TRADITIONSPakistani people believe in customs and traditions. They spend too much money on ceremonies and traditional activities. They believe in cast system, which badly affects the economic welfare.
5. LACK OF EDUCATION & TRAININGProper education & training facilities are not available to the people. Technical education & training increases productivity of the people. Govt. is now providing general and technical education as well as on the job training in order to develop efficiency of the people and very much emphasis is given on computer education.
6. CONTENDED NATURE Pakistanis don’t believe in materialistic way of life, they prefer simple living, therefore they do not exert much for material gains, their economic activities are very less which badly affects materialistic & economic welfare of people.
7. DEPENDENCE ON AGRICULTURE Majority of people live in villages, where only source of income is agriculture whereas agriculture is not developed. Their income is very low hence they cannot raise their standard of living and cannot benefit from modern means of life.
Discuss salient features of population of Pakistan
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November 08, 2017
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