What are different means of transport and communications in Pakistan.

Notes For B.Com
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Q-8 = What are different means of transport and communications in Pakistan.

DIFFERENT MEANS OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONSA strong, efficient and affordable infrastructure is a critical element of good investment climate and therefore, is a precondition to sustain the growth momentum. Transport and Communications are important elements of infrastructure services and are essential in maintaining economic growth and competitiveness. Transport and communication sector in Pakistan, account for about 11 percent of GDP, 16 percent of fixed investment, 6 percent of employment and 15 percent of public sector development program.
Transport includes:(1) Roads (2) Railways (3) Air transport (4) Shipping

Communications includes: (1) Post (2) Telegraph (3) Telephone (4) Radio (5) Television (6) Information technology

ROAD TRANSPORTRoad, rail and shipping are three major components of transport infrastructure. Road transport is spine of Pakistan's vehicle framework, representing 90 percent of national traveler activity and 96 percent of cargo development.Over the past ten years, road traffic, both passenger and freight, has grown much faster than the country’s economic growth.. The 9518 km long National Highway and Motorway network contributes 3.7 % of the total road network and carries 90%of Pakistan’s total traffic. Pakistan with about 155 million people has a reasonably developed transport system. However, when compared with other developed and developing countries, the road density of Pakistan is low. Road density indeed is the index of prosperity and development. With road density of 0.31km/sq. Pakistan intends to double it to 0.64 km/sq. gradually over next 10 years.

 RAILWAYSModern railways are one of the major sectors within transport system. Pakistan Railways, being the most effective transport system, plays a vital role in generating development opportunities. Railways has a definite and unmatchable edge over road for long and bulk haulage of mass scale traffic, volume being safe, pollution free, environmental friendly and most economical as compared to any mode of transportation. Since 2000, Pakistan Railways has launched a modernization program with rehabilitation and improvement measures both for its infrastructure and rolling stock. Pakistan Railways plans to achieve a stage of net profit from the year 2010. The emphasis would be to increase share of freight traffic for railway sector from existing 5.53 billion-ton kilometers to 10 billion-ton kilometers by 2010. In addiction to this, procurement of diesel and electric locomotives as well as high capacity/ high-speed freight wagons and passenger coaches have been planned. Improvement and provision of connectivity to Iran and India, upcoming Gwader Port to Afghanistan and Turkmenistan have also been initiated. Moreover Government has planned to convert Pakistan Railways into state owned corporation beside conversion of all non-core units into autonomous bodies. The development project has overall contributed to a 21.8 percent rise in the income of Pakistan Railways. Income of Pakistan stood at Rs.17.8 billion during 2004-05 as compared to 14.6 billion in the same period last year.

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