Q-9 =Discuss role of computer in economic development of Pakistan
Computer has become main source of communication in modern days. Describe its effective role as a means of communication in Pakistan.
Computer is an amazing machine. Few tools can help us perform so many different tasks in so many areas of our life than a computer. Whether we want to track an investment, publish a newsletter, design a building, we can use computer to do it. In early 1930s, when personal computers began gaining popularity it was forecast that computer would become the nerve center of every home. Now computers have changed the way some businesses and industries function. Computers have become so fundamental to modern society that without them our economy would grind to a halt. They are such flexible tools that most people in business community use them every day. Office workers use them to write letters, keep employee rosters, create budgets, communicate with business partners locally and internationally, find information, and manage projects and so on. You can send your letters, orders, and messages in any part of world through e-mail, in seconds, with almost no cost. Businessman can communicate with foreign clients at any time.
Computers are very vital in accounting departments. For organizing and manipulating large sets of numbers, which accounting department do daily, computers are now considered essential. Computers are used to juggle budgets, create purchase orders, track expenses and income. Any time we go to the bank, renew a subscription, call information for a phone number or buy something out of a catalog, we are benefiting from computers.
Computers have assumed much importance in the modern world. No nation can now do without it. Now computers are used in all branches of science and Arts. In business they process and keep record, payrolls and do other jobs. They have helped in making credit cards issued by institutions like visa. Twenty first century is definitely an age of information technology. Such technology is now needed in all walks of life. This technology has become every much sophisticated and advanced in Western countries. If we want to keep pace with other nations of the world then we have to adopt his novel technology in our every walk of life.
Discuss role of computer in economic development of Pakistan OR Computer has become main source of communication in modern days. Describe its effective role as a means of communication in Pakistan.
By -
November 08, 2017
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