Q-38 =What are the problems faced by the industrial labor in Pakistan. Explain. Write down the steps taken by the government to solve these problems
1 Lack of education, training and health conditions
2 Poor working environment
3 Difference of race, culture and language
4 Lack of job security and low bargaining power
5 Lack of good relationship with the management
6 Unorganized trade unions and untrained labor leaders
1. LACK OF EDUCATION TRAINING & HEALTH CONDITIONSOne of the biggest problems of industrial labor is that they are neither educated nor technically trained. Due to this machine breakdown and raw material wastage is very common. Due to low standard of hygienic facilities and unhealthy habits, workers unhealthy and weak. Their work efficiency is low, which results in the decrease in output thus cost of production increases.
2. POOR WORKING ENVIRONMENTOur labor works in a very bad environment. There are no proper ventilation systems for fresh air and no proper sanitary arrangements in the factories as well as in their own houses. Life safety and fire fighting equipment are not there. Canteens are unhygienic and dirty. Clean drinking water is not available. Working hours are long. These factors reduce efficiency and their output decreases.
3. DIFFERENCE OF RACE, CULTURE & LANGUAGEMost of the factories are located in big cities, whereas workers come from rural areas. These workers have their own race, culture and regional languages. They do not easily adjust with co-workers. Each of them makes his group and fight with each other. The tussle between the groups reduces the work efficiency. They could not adjust with the new environment of city and soon left job and go back to their rural hometowns.
4. LACK OF JOB SECURITY & LOW BARGAINING POWERIn Pakistan supply of labor is more than their demand, and due to poverty and general unemployment, industrialists pay very little wages. Since there is no alternative, workers are bound to accept low wages. Thus industrialists exploit poor workers. There is no institution in the country to look into this matter. The rule of “Survival of the fittest and weaker go to the walls.” operates in Pakistan.
5. LACK OF GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MANAGEMENTThere are no good relationships between the management and the ordinary labor. There is misconception and mistrust on by sides. Both of them insist and safeguard their own interest and a general consensus for progress of industry, output, welfare of labor and development of national economy is not taken into consideration. These things result in strikes, lockouts and decrease in output, which ultimately causes reduction in employment of workers.
6. UNORGANIZED TRADE UNIONS & UNTRAINED LABOR LEADERSThere is a lack of healthy trade unionism. Organized trade unions protect the rights of labor against exploitation. Workers who belong from different races, culture and language make their own sub-groups rather than making a solid and well organized trade union representing all workers of an industry. Labor leaders are uneducated; they are not sincere to their co-workers. They easily get into the trap of employers and political leaders. The bargaining position of trade unions of Pakistan is very weak. Labor unions have not helped in improving output and increasing employment opportunities for ordinary labor of the country.
1 Education and training
2 Medical facilities
3 Share in profit
4 Payment of bonus
5 Payment of gratuity
6 Pension benefits
7 Compensation of injuries
8 Security of service
9 Compulsory group insurance
10 Lay off benefits
11 Minimum wage.
The government has fixed minimum wages of Rs.4000 per month and after retirement he will get Rs.1300 monthly from the Social Security department. Labor will be provided medical facilities through social securities hospital and in case of injury employer will pay compensation. In case of closure of industry labor will be paid layoff benefit. He will also get bonus and at least one of his child will be provided education. Training and education facilities will also be arranged for the labor himself.
What are the problems faced by the industrial labor in Pakistan. Explain. Write down the steps taken by the government to solve these problems
By -
November 11, 2017
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