Agricultural marketing and Farm mechanization are the twin issues that hamper free flow of benefits of increased production to poor peasants in Pakistan Comment

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Q-34 = Agricultural marketing and Farm mechanization are the twin issues that hamper free flow of benefits of increased production to poor peasants in Pakistan Comment

AGRICULTURAL MARKETINGAgricultural marketing is the performance of business activity that directs the flow of agricultural goods from producer to consumer. Agricultural produce cannot be stored for long time as these are perishable and are destroyed very quickly. Farmer has weak bargaining position, he cannot wait, and he is bound to dispose off his produce at an unfavorable price, at an unfavorable time and on unfavorable terms and conditions. There is imperfect market system, which has created marketing problems, which are as under.

1 Low quality of output
2 Shortage of storage facilities
3 Heavy transportation expenses
4 Unawareness about markets and prices
5 No standard weights
6 Chain of middle men

1. LOW QUALITY OF OUTPUTFarmer uses low quality seeds and fertilizers therefore his output is of below standard. There is also lack of grading; good and spoiled crops are mixed together thus farmer gets less price in the market.

2. SHORTAGE OF STORAGE FACILITIESOur farmers do not have proper storage facilities. The cold storages are not there. He is worried about the destruction of his crop therefore he disposes the crop as early as possible. Due to his weak bargaining position he gets low price.

3. HEAVY TRANSPORTATION EXPENSESRoads from farms to town markets are in a deplorable condition. Farmers do not have trolleys or trucks of their own. Private transport is very expensive, thus the net return to the farmer is very less.

4. UNAWARENESS ABOUT MARKETS AND PRICESFarmers are uneducated; they do know about better markets for their products, where they could take their produce for better bargain. They do not know prevailing prices. They are always in hurry to dispose-off the produce; therefore they sell their produce at whatever price is offered to them.

5. NO STANDARD WEIGHTSBelow standard measuring units are used in different grain markets of Pakistan. Due to this reason our farmers do not get proper value and thus suffer financially.

6. CHAIN OF MIDDLE MENThere are no proper regulated markets. The host of middle men charge their own remuneration, for example those who weigh the produce, those who lift the crop bags, commission agents, shopkeepers where crop is stored. Other charges are, toll taxes etc. All these factors reduce farmer’s income

MECHANIZATION OF AGRICULTUREMechanized farming means the use of mechanical appliances and scientific techniques for boosting agricultural production. In it tractors, bulldozers, tube wells, trolleys and harvesters are included. Mechanization as a tool for modernization of agriculture has been well recognized. Mechanization generates greater cropping intensity thus improves productivity. It also results in considerable saving of fodder and feed through a reduction in bullock population. Thus, a transition from subsistence farming to commercial farming can only be achieved through transfer of the most efficient and cost effective technology to farming system. The efficient use of scarce agriculture resources and accelerated agriculture mechanization is, therefore, vital and very important.

SUGGESTIONS TO INCREASE MECHANIZED FARMINGGovernment should adopt the following measures for mechanizing agriculture: -
1. Reduce prices of machines/equipments used in agricultural sector.
2. Provide electricity at a low rate for tube wells.
3. Set up workshops for repairs of machinery.
4. Establish technical training centers in rural areas.
5. Provide loan facilities to farmers at a low interest rate.
6. Cooperative farming should be started to control fragmentation of land.

If the problems and defects of both of them i.e agricultural marketing and mechanization are not removed then the benefits of both of them will not be positive and in will not be in favor of our farmer.

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