Q-47=Discuss features of a good industrial policy in a country like Pakistan.
SALIENT FEATURES OF A GOOD INDUSTRIAL POLICYIndustrial policy refers to the behavior which a govt. adopts in relation to industrial sector. This policy is a collection of measures and strategies adopted by govt. from time to time for establishment, promotion and development of industries in the country and due to which a country enables to cater her industrial needs.
1. ----A good industrial policy should guarantee the development and promotion of all kinds of industries.
2. ----It should be free from any confusion and rules and regulations should be very much clear.
3. --- It discourages concentration of industries on a few places because localization of industries damages social, economic and political effects.
4. --- It promotes large-scale investment.
5. --- It should curb inequalities and owner’s ship of industries should be expanded.
6. --- The industries should be coordinated and linked in a manner that they could mutually be helpful for one another. In the past the pace of Pakistan’s industrial development was badly affected due to lack of consistency and credibility in industrial policies. During the period of 1971 and afterwards government shifted her emphasis from private to public sector and nationalized large-scale industries including agro-based industries. The private sector was forced to lose its factories thus morale of private sector was shattered. The area of activities for private sector in industrial field was narrowed down. This act of the government shattered confidence of private industrial investors.
Discuss features of a good industrial policy in a country like Pakistan.
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November 11, 2017
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