The 2nd Five- year plan is considered as the most successful one. Why?

Notes For B.Com
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Q-49 =The 2nd Five- year plan is considered as the most successful one. Why?

1. Due to sound political stability in the country during the period 1960-65 the total
development expenditures increased from the targeted amount of Rs.2300 to
Rs.2754. Thus more development programs were completed in this plan period.
2. National income was to increase by 24 percent but during the plan period it has
jumped to 30 percent.
3. Per capita income to planned to increase by 12 percent but it increased to 15 percent.
4. Agricultural output increased by 18 percent instead of targeted 14 percent.
 Food grains, increased by 27 percent instead of a target of 21 percent.
5. Production of Large-scale industries increased by 85 percent instead of 60 percent,
however small scale industries output increased by 14 percent against the target of
20 percent.
6. Employment opportunities were targeted at 30 lacs whereas it rose to 36 lacs.
7. Domestic savings increased from 6 percent of gross domestic product to 10.5 percent,
whereas it was targeted as 9 percent.
8. Exports of the country increased to Rs.1323 whereas the target of exports was
Rs.1125 crores.
Keeping in view the above facts and figures we can say that Second Five Year Plan 1960-

65 was a very successful plan in the history of economic planning of Pakistan.

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