Q-4 = Suggest measures to resolve problems of agricultural marketing
MEASURES FOR AGRICULTURAL MARKETINGIn order to resolve problems of agricultural marketing following steps should be adopted.
1. Setting up of department of agricultural marketing
2. Construction of farm to market roads
3. Price awareness
4. General stores and cold storages
5. Regulated markets and uniform standards of weights and measurements
6. Education and training
1. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Government has established Agricultural Marketing Department in order to improve marketing system of agricultural crops. Department surveys the agricultural marketing and prepares its recommendations for provincial department. It also develops agricultural cooperative marketing.
2. CONSTRUCTION OF FARM TO MARKET ROADSGovernment is constructing roads and bridges to link farms with markets in order to reduce time and cost of transportation. Quick and easy accessibility of markets will increase income of farmers and their economic position will improve.
3. PRICE AWARENESSGovernment through newspapers, radio and television is providing information to farmers about current prices of different crops, fertilizers, insecticides and other inputs, which are prevailing in different markets and cities. Special programs are being broadcast regularly for awareness about modern techniques of cultivation. Modern methods of cultivation are also being taught through TV programs.
4. BIG STORES AND COLD STORAGESStores and cold storages are being constructed in regulated markets so that the farmers’ output may not be destroyed. These facilities also help in stabilizing 59 prices of the produce. Tax concessions are given to those who construct stores.
5. REGULATED MARKETS & UNIFORM WEIGHT MEASUREMENTSRegulated markets are being set up and uniform weights and measurement system has been introduced so that the farmers may not be cheated and they may get the proper return of their produce. In regulated markets, Market Committee system has been introduced which controls and solve these problems. Moreover attention is being paid on standards and grade of the produce.
6. EDUCATION & TRAININGMain cause of all evils in agricultural sector is lack of education and training of farmers. Govt. has started providing education/training facilities about modern methods of cultivation and marketing of agricultural output. Staff of regulated markets is being trained in order to manage marketing system in a decent manner.
Suggest measures to resolve problems of agricultural marketing
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November 08, 2017
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