Q-11 = How rapidly growing population affects economy of Pakistan
Is population control necessary for Pakistan. How far it is true with Pakistan.
Growing population of Pakistan is affecting economy in the following way: -
1. Decrease in per capita income
2. Increase in unemployment
3. Increase in general price level
4. Decrease in savings and investment
5. Increase in pollution
6. Decrease in agricultural output
7. Shortage in health and education facilities.
If population increases at a higher rate than the rate of increase of national income, then per capita income decreases. No doubt national income of the country is increasing but at the same time rate of increase in population is much higher, the net result is that per capita income is decreasing. That’s why the standard of living is deteriorating. Increase in population means more supply of work force, which needs job. Whereas investment opportunities are very less, job seekers are more than the available jobs, hence people remain unemployed or those who luckily get jobs their wages are very low. Unemployment creates frustrations in the country.
Increase in population causes increase in demand for goods and services, which results in rise in general price level by which poor people are hit more and they could not even get basic necessities of life. People are living from hand to mount. Due to unemployment and lack of other sources of income people cannot save, therefore the overall national savings are very low. Low savings reduces investment in the country hence capital formation is not possible. This state of affairs further aggravates economic situation of the country. The overall affect is a vicious circle in the economy of the country.
In order to earn their livelihood people are cutting forest to convert them into arable lands. Many people are migrating from villages to already crowded cities of the country. Drinking water is less in supply than its demand; people are forced to use dirty water from polluted sources. The increase in population is resulting in water, noise and air pollution. Increase in population particularly in agricultural sector is resulting division and sub-division of plots of agricultural land thus making it into uneconomic holding. Because of inheritance system land is divided amongst the sons and daughters, it becomes very difficult to adopt improved techniques on small plots of land, hence total agricultural output of Pakistan is decreasing. This situation is also causing food shortage in the country.
Increase in population results in the increase in demand for health, education, housing and transport facilities. Since resources with government are not sufficient enough, these facilities cannot be increased. The whole pressure of increased population is on existing facilities. The result is that education; health and transport facilities are deteriorating at an alarming rate.
How rapidly growing population affects economy of Pakistan OR Is population control necessary for Pakistan. How far it is true with Pakistan.
By -
November 08, 2017
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