Following measures have been taken by the government to promote exports: -
Since 1999 Pakistan has embarked on an export-led growth strategy, which is being
managed through successive e trade policies. Government believes that consistency and
continuity in policies allied with facilitation, is the key to all successful initiatives in trade
related areas. This has translated into emphasis on liberalization of our import regime and
facilitation of our stakeholders i.e. businessmen and exporters so that the cost of doing
business for them was reduced and they could create exportable surpluses after adding
value. Having put Pakistan on a continuous path as far as exports are concerned the new
objective is to significantly increase rate of export growth by adopting a Rapid Export
Growth Strategy which has been drawn-up and is based on the following five pillars: -
The Trade Policy 2005-06 is being implemented with letter and spirit. For rapid growth
of export, government has taken following steps out of which some have already been
implemented and other in process of implementation so that the exports may increase.
1 Increase in exports by providing different incentives
3 Increase in invisible earnings
4 Search of new markets
5 Quality and packaging of international standard
6 Revival and restoration of sick industries
7 Foreign in joint ventures
8 Promotion of labor intensive industries
9 Diversification of exports
10 Trade facilitation
11 Increased market access
12 Enhancing export competitiveness by reducing cost of doing business
13 Capacity building on WTO and trade negotiations
14 Developing export of services
15 Improving compliance of quality infrastructure
16 Setting up and improving the working of Export Promotion Bureau
17 Establishing the Export Processing Zones
1. -----Decrease in cost of production, for which rate of interest for setting up exports
oriented industries has been reduced.
2. -----Cost of transport particularly railway freight has been minimized.
3. -----Custom duties on the export-oriented industries have been reduced.
4. -----Modern techniques of production are being used.
5. -----Instead of exporting raw material, value added goods are produced and exported.
6. -----Goods of different varieties keeping in view demand and requirement of foreigners
is being developed, produced and exported.
7. -----Efficiency of Trade Attaches of Pakistan Embassies has been improved. It is their
duty to do their best for developing markets for Pakistani products in the countries
they are posted.
8. ----Domestic commercial banks and insurance companies have been strengthened and
have been given the task for facilitating Pakistan’s international trade.
9. -----Govt. officials and business community is participating in trade fairs arranged by
foreign countries.
10. ---Trade Agreements with different countries have been made.
11. ---Seminars & Trade Exhibition are arranged within country in which foreign
delegates are invited to participate.
12. ---Booklets, brochures, pamphlets about Pakistani products and economy of Pakistan
are being distributed to foreign business community.
13. ---Research for marketing is being conducted.
14. -- Exportable Goods of international standard and their packaging should meet the
same standard. Good packaging provides safety and security of the product and is
not destroyed during handling and shifting process.
15. ---Pakistan’s exports can be pushed up after collaboration with foreign investors. The
foreign partners have more contacts in foreign markets and in order to increase
profitability of industry, foreign partners will market the products in their countries
hence Pakistan’s exports will increase.
16.---Small and cottage industries are labor-intensive. Products utilizing more cheap
labor with have a comparative cost advantage, which will help in the decrease in
cost. Industries such as carpets, leather goods, readymade garments, surgical
instruments and sports goods have been developed for export purpose.
17. -- Focusing on regions neglected by Pakistani exporters i.e. regions like Africa, Latin
America, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Fast East.
18. ---Provision of physical infrastructure by the government to spur investment
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